Monday 27 April 2009

Spectrum of things that matters

"I'm not a driven businessman, but a driven artist. I never think about money. Beautiful things make money."
This i quoted from lord Acton speech 1875, yet it demonstrates my long lasting belief about life. This is the same opinion i embrace and often argued to spread this type of ideology. In the past few years a new type of cultural movement appeared among the young working generation (get rich or die trying). Well this triggered a question that i longed to find an answer for, what is wealth and what are the means of acquiring it?
Well here is the dictionary definition of wealth, an abundance or profusion of anything in plentiful amount. The thing is if wealth is not connected to legacy or an accomplishment it’s simply being rich we cannot relate to it as wealth.
Wealth originally was the term used to describe generations of a particular back ground, a state of inheritance of a reputable family recognition. It wasn't all about how much are they worth, wealth if it’s really available it mortifies its possessor, you can easily be rich but it’s hard to be wealthy, you even can acquire wealth without being rich. Some will argue that it’s alright for someone like Acton to embrace such a motto since he is already rich. well i am not going to defend him but it was always rich people with enlightenment or alerted consistence that made a deference of the world of mankind, Abu Bakr was rich and yet he created a legacy of supporting the profit with his wealth ( its wealth because its accompanied with family heritage of social contribution)that goes for muss'ab enb umir & omar and many others, and in the west there are people like Sir William Thomson who spent his entire family fortune in the advancement of the scientific involvement in England, marry curry and many others. on the contrary a man who just became rich will always look to retain it and preserve what he believes he owns, and even do anything to get more, greed becomes his motto and money blinds his insight because he is simply hungry, and he just have landed a feast and has no moral obligation towards anything but to satisfies his money lust.
Bottom line being rich is totally different from being wealthy, and the art that drives a passion surely will result a recognition that will result money.

A time will come and man will die,
and his good deeds will hold him high.
A man with wealth will never die,
his name will echo and reach the sky.
seeking money another man will pray,
and in mortal sin he soaks and dry.

1 comment:

  1. OMG, finally i got to step yo ur blog "el7mdllah"

    i just read one article & i've to say that i really liked it !
    Man, That depate is very common & u were reasonable hadling it....

    thanks alot for the loads of new vocabularies
    i didn't hear about before, i'm so happy adding some...

    be sure i'll continue to the other articles !

    Best of luck.
